Fellowship & Community

FCC Daily Devotional

FCC Daily Devotional Day 4

Psalms 145:1-21

Goodness and Declaration

Life and faith are released when we speak forth the truth of God’s word. Psalm 145 in packed full of truth about the goodness of God. This great Psalm also encourages us to declare God’s goodness in a variety of different ways. Verses 4 through 7 say,

“One generation commends your works to another;

they tell of your mighty acts.

They speak of the glorious splendor of your majesty—

and I will meditate on your wonderful works.

They tell of the power of your awesome works—

and I will proclaim your great deeds.

They celebrate your abundant goodness

and joyfully sing of your righteousness.”

Read through this section again and take note of the various ways we can declare the goodness of God.

·  Commend

·  Tell

·  Speak

·  Proclaim

·  Celebrate

·  Joyfully sing

Wow! Imagine the power of putting this into practice! I want to encourage you today to do just what this Psalm is telling us to do. Declare that God is good. Think about His goodness. Speak of His goodness. Maybe even get really crazy and sing about His goodness. The power of God’s goodness is released upon our lives and the lives of others as we confidently declare it!

FCC Daily Devotional

FCC Daily Devotional Day 3

Titus 3:1-8

Goodness and Grace

We have been conditioned to believe that good things come to us only if we are worthy of them. Our minds have been trained toward karma thinking. While it is true that the principle of sowing and reaping is fairly consistent in life, we also need to know that God’s goodness toward us is founded solely upon His grace and not our performance. Even when we are not good, God is and will always be good.

Many times we talk ourselves out of believing that God has something good for us because we are painfully aware of our unworthiness of His goodness. Today’s scripture is a powerful reminder that while none of us are worthy of God’s goodness, we are recipients of His unmerited grace. Titus 3:4-5 says, “…when the kindness and love of God our Savior appeared, He saved us, not because of righteous things we had done, but because of His mercy.”

The powerful reality of God’s goodness based solely upon His grace and not our performance is both mind blowing and life changing. Today, I invite you to receive God’s grace and goodness, not because you deserve it, but because God is good. Take time to meditate on the goodness of God. Bask in His kindness and rejoice in His grace.

FCC Daily Devotional

FCC Daily Devotional Day 2

Genesis 3:1-12

The Lie

The lie of all lies is the lie that God is not good. The serpent not only deceived Eve into questioning the word of God, but also questioning the goodness of God. Questioning the goodness of God led Adam and Eve to search for a better life for themselves in the exact place where God had warned them they would find death. Questioning the goodness of God is exactly what the devil wants us to do.

The Bible is full of teaching, stories, and examples of the goodness of God. It is an essential truth that is vital to your spiritual health. As we journey through this reading plan, we will be exploring what the Bible reveals about the goodness of God. This is a truth the devil doesn’t want you to know.

As you begin this journey, ask the Lord to reveal the truth of His goodness to you. Look intently into His word and discover His goodness. Know His goodness not just as biblical truth, but as a life-changing revelation.

FCC Daily Devotional

FCC Daily Devotional Day 1

Psalms 34:1-22

Is God Really Good?

“God is good.” Everyone who’s been a Christian for a while has heard this statement a thousand times. In fact, we hear it so often it can start to sound kind of cliché-ish. We hear it. We say it. We sing it. But do we really believe it?

For the next 21 days we are going to be exploring what the Bible has to tell us about the goodness of God. My prayer for you is that God would reveal His goodness to you in fresh and life-giving ways. Knowing the goodness of God is truly transformative.

David wrote in Psalm 34:8, “Taste and see that the Lord is good…” Interesting choice of words don’t you think? The goodness of God is so real, so profound, we can actually taste it within our soul. It is more than something we hear about and read about and sing about; it’s something we can personally experience and take in and enjoy.

A.W. Tozer once wrote, “What comes to our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us.” I don’t believe Tozer is overreaching. How we view God will influence all of our thinking. One of the most important things about maintaining healthy perspective on life is to make sure that we have a biblically accurate view of who God is. And the best way to do that is to regularly, systematically read and meditate on scripture.

As you begin this 21-day journey, I invite you to pray a simple prayer with me asking God to reveal His goodness to you in a deep, personal, meaningful way. Your confidence in the goodness of God must be authentic. It must come from deep within, for when it is real to you it will change your life.


Announcements: Dec 31

Leadership Retreat

Save the date! Saturday, January 20th



Ministry Needs

Build our Bible Tree: Bring a gently used or new Bible to donate to the clients of Salvation Army.

Habitat Luncheon—January 16: Sign up at the coffee bar and consider your contribution to this amazing ministry.


Education Ministry Meeting

Following Worship on January 7th. Lunch provided.